Wednesday, 28 September 2016

My Two Big Brothers

Eric & Ruel

The year was 1980,Bob Mugabe had just become the new African hero.Zimbawe was now independent of British rule .Bob Marley had just done a memorable Concert at the Independence Celebrations with ‘Stir it Up’ and ‘No Women No Cry’. The mood in the region was festive and we in South Africa thought that our turn is coming in a couple of weeks. Little did we know that it will take another 14 years.
Then there was Eric and Reuel .These two brothers were the shining light in our young lives that they were the proof that Freedom is close.
Mind you this was my first Matric year under the old Joint Matriculation System (JMB) were Matric was two years. At that age you are part of ‘die Manne’.This is that high school age were you think you are it.You know everything and your Uncle can cross the Vaal Dam with one leap without falling in the river. As part of ‘die Manne’ your mates are everything and you just in the middle of adolescence and fantasy is in everything. Girls, Women occupy every second minute of your life. Your view of the world has endless possibilities. The only thing cramping your style is this Matric that you have to finish.
Part of my portfolio at the school was Entertainment and I had the misfortune of taking my school to the Colosseum Theatre to watch the ‘Temptations or ‘Isaac Hayes’ in the school bus. Patrick Legege our bus driver was my main man as a self-appointed bus conductor cum coordinator cum spokesperson .I got to sit with him in the front of the bus and discuss adult things. The other day I bumped into my old class-mate Malcom Goldberg who reminded me of these trips to down town Joburg, Commissioner Street.
It was during one of these trips that I saw Eric Mafuna for the first time.
He was coming out of the then Carlton Hotel wearing a navy blue double press jacket with grey pants, white shirt and a smashing tie. Florsheim shoes with no laces and soft leather business case. I still dress like this till today!…………He was in conversation with some European business people and it was clear that he was in charge of the conversation and just concluding a few points before his next appointment.
Eric had an office at the Carlton Centre, then the centre of the World.
Now, for a Black Brother in Apartheid South Africa to have an office on the 48th floor of the 50 floor Carlton was Big-S—t.It means that this brother overlooks the rest of Johannesburg from his work desk every day. Even many white people do not have that luxury. This fact alone was very empowering to a young black mind. It said that despite everything even I can do it too.
This was so impactful and Vintage Eric. I was tempted to rush to him to say. My brother please wait for me I will be with you in six years. In my heart I said it loud but I think I must have said it to ‘die Manne’ as we watched him disappear in the distance. They laughed at me and said ‘Hot Shot’, one of my nick names then, ‘you are dreaming’.
Well I never stormed Eric that afternoon and little did I know I will be working on a project with him in 1986.Right on schedule.
Reuel Khoza on the other hand had an even closer impact on my life that by 1984 .He even showed me how to structure a proposal. As part of the Soweto Chamber of Commerce & Industries I was mandated to work with Ruel in our proposal for funding from National Cash Registers (NCR) in preparation for the Soweto Convention On Economic Development. The conference was a major success and in the two days I met people who would constantly be in my life and form part of the making of Mac Donald Ntau Temane (Cham, Goods, Spencer, Hot Shot, and Duck etc.).
Chris Ball (Ceo Barclays Bank),who I later worked for, Bob Tucker(Ceo Perm Building Society)Don Mkwanazi(President Black Management Forum)Don Ncube (Senior Exec Anglo American)Leon Louw(Free Market Foundation)Jill Nattress(senior Economist) Simon Brant (Head of the Development Bank).
Reuel Khoza, Letepe Maisela and a young Gary Morolo then run Coordinated Marketing and what a fantastic memorable Conference they put on. The resolutions of that conference and what is to be done with Economic Developments both in Urban and Rural areas is still relevant today. The current ANC government need not research anything but implement that document done in 1984.
Later Reuel served on the board of Standard Bank Asset Management (STANIC) and was a great source of inspiration to me and those of us who were coming up, Lot Ndlovu among others. His presence said ‘It can be done’. The late Vusi Ngubeni and I spend hour perusing this document and came to the conclusion that nothing needs to be altered on this document.
One of the most enjoyable assignment was to make a ring for the Kloza’s and seeing sis’ Mumsy smile brought so much joy to me.There is nothing like a smile that comes from a wife when a ring comes from her husband to her. The transfer of emotions is palpable. It is when these kinds of smiles come out that has kept me in the business for over 27 YEARS. You see, you can never tell what keeps you doing certain things on and on for years. I now know it is these small things such as a ‘Smile’ more that the money.
Anyway, Big Brother and I had a small stint through this journey of life with a Vodacom transection and were I sold all my shares to Vodac to move out of the telephone business. And when Qwede Mantashe of the ANC attacked him for calling out Corruption and Maladministration in government. I was offended and felt like ashamed that I did not stand up for my big brother against such bullies.
I was very proud to attend a meeting where my two brothers got closer. This was following the Reebok and Nike deal entry into South Africa. Both my brothers were on either side. I think it was Sam Noinyane who said to both of them that when as Blacks we enter these industries we must be a team. Compete on the field of play in the market but go out to dinner afterwards. You see, it has been my feeling that the unnecessary rivalry that was being pushed by some among us was unhealthy. Believe me, there were those who would say who is better .Reuel Khoza or Eric Mafuna?
This was a similar rival between Jomo Sono and Ace Ntsoelengwe.As to who is better?
We have so few Heroes In Africa, the last thing we need, is to have those that live in the same time period, to be at each other’s thoughts or work against each other.
So to my two Big Brothers. Thank you for what you have done for Me!

{This piece is dedicated to Reuel Khoza and Eric Mafuna my two Big Brothers. I have learned so much from watching you do things and if I can come half as close as your achievements. I will consider myself Lucky.}



In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. (John 1:1-6).
Now this is where I would like you to fasten your seatbelts tight. Very tight. Since I am about to take off in a Revolutionary direction. In a forceful and somewhat violent way………..I therefore do not want you to fall off this conversation or get hurt in the process. Or on the other hand  wake up at the end. Only to wonder, what happened.
Here goes…………..and the word was God. The word that I speak to you has spirit and spirit give life or spirit is life. And spirit is...Che!
It is therefore interesting to note that Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara is the Global Symbol of ‘Revolution’. Something that is associated with death and distraction. We also know that as a revolutionary ‘Che’ took life. And yet ‘Che’ was a medical practitioner (physician) originally and therefore ‘Che’ gave and protected life. Some synonyms of life in other dialects is ‘Che’. When people look at organisms that form from scratch like worms etc. They often retort that it has ‘Che’ meaning Life.
Why it is then that new life comes from a ‘revolution ‘and Struggle?
I would also like to argue that Child birth for instance is a form of ‘revolution’ due to the pain and suffering associated with it.Yet the beauty that follows is unimaginable. The process that precede conception is on the other hand So pleasurable. Love making, romance etc.
Would it be far-fetched, to say that a man who took a Hippocratic oath to protect life decided to take life in order to give better life in Cuba?(and by the way ‘ Che’ was Argentinian).
Here is a man who in years after the Cuban Revolution decided to ‘Franchise’ revolutions around the Globe. Most famously in other South American countries till his capture and death in 1967 in Bolivia.
Che was also active on the African continent in former Zaire and later in Angola. The old military veterans of the African National Congress ANC (Umkhonto we Sizwe)who fought alongside him, called ‘Che’, ‘Mathatho’ meaning 3 in reference to the three letters of his name. This was also done to confuse the enemy not to know, who is who in the Zoo. Now that the cat is out of the bag I might as well tell you that many in the ANC went by various names underground. I laughed my lungs out to discover that the former Mayor of Johannesburg Amos Masondo was known as Ambi in exile. So when we first met in the early 90’s he was unsure as to which name I should use as we were plotting the final Downfall of the Apartheid State and preparing for elections.
The word therefore must be paid attention to. It must be read and understood for its ability to give life literally by moving from the bible in to the the hearts and Spirits of the Unwell….!
I repeat by ‘Moving out of the bible into the hearts and Spirits of the sick’.
When this action is administered by a true Prophet of God he or she literally blows off the words from the page into the patient. This I have seen with the eyes of faith in my church. I have also seen prophesies that boggle the mind day after day after day. If this was a one-time occurrence I would dismiss it as luck. When it happens constantly to the children of God. Even I become I true believer in the word!
You can now unfasten your seatbelt and relax. The real turbulence in this message is over. I pray that you got it.If you did not please read it again and if after that you still do not get it .Please call me.
This is not a blind trust in something or things not seen.
Now, believe me, I am very sceptical of a lot of things and I question almost everything. I am close to doubting Thomas as they come. But this is true.
When I started this book, I titled it ‘Dad these Children Cannot Pray’. This was for reasons explained in chapter 1 which I incidentally called Genesis. I had no idea that in this the final stages of this book such as now. That I would be so deep into matters spiritual. So please forgive me by ending my life journey in this manner it was not intentional. I am not ashamed of it, if fact I am proud that I got to this point in this way.
May the Almighty grant us Grace to find and know him, God is Life!
{All thanks to the team at Jehovah Reigns Ministries Apostle and Prophetess Cindy Mabaso,Pastor Malatji and their great team. The gift that I received from them is Priceless. The covenant that I made with the lord will come to pass and nations come to marvel and be inspired by what will happen at Prayer City. This I believe in Faith.}

This is probably one of my last chapters for my Autobiography:

                                                                                ‘Dad This Children Cannot Pray’