The 25 of August 2016 will forever be edged in my memory as
the day I rediscovered the greatness of South Africa. My country of birth, my
home country, a place where God released me in the universe. It is only when
you understand the greatness and the vastness God that you truly appreciate his
power to have placed you at a particular time and place according to his
wishes. This is in my opinion a privilege to know and understand the power of
Anyway, accept the highway, the subway and the tunnel as we
used to say in my Suburb of Pimville Soweto. Today, I was transformed to my
youth at the age of 16/17 years of age because most of those who spend the day
with me, I met then.
It was quit ironic because all those kids were now men and
women and I realised we had spent our precious carefree youth together and now
we were grown.
What was ironic was that we were at a memorial service of
Makhuza Horace Mpanza our friend Brain Mpanza’s Dad. (May his soul rest in
peace).O Skumbuzo Gap Nkosi was the Master of Ceremonies and he did a great
job. Now the last thing that one would have imagined when we were young was
that in the Gang that we were, O’ Skhumba would have ended up as being in
charge of proceedings of a large congregation for such a giant as Mr. Mpanza
and as I have said handled it well.
Now Kutloano Leballo always handled whatever had to do with
important matters of the background. He was always good at the behind the
scenes staff. As kids Kutloano and I would look after ice, firewood, venue
etc.Khulu Ntshingila looked after the catering today and Ponti of all the
members of our gang was conducting the spiritual aspects of the service since
now he is in the Priesthood. Yes Ponti, the very man that in our youth, if you
wanted to organise anything wild and out of the ordinary or some Booze, which
we were not allowed to have by the way, you called on him.
Let me put it this way, the gang of kids that were always up
to no good were a great support network for Brain and his family in his great
hour of need. This is what friends are for. In fact I discovered that we were
not just friends but brothers in arms.
The whole Gang chipped in, in one way or the other and there
are many that I did not mention or see since as I was not at the centre of
proceedings this time around. Zola, Brian’s sister had difficulty when thanking
all friends that she had to say ‘you know who you all are’ so that she does not
miss anybody’s name.
The one person that was clearly missing was my one and only
Arlene and when Zoli Kunene came to me to ask where she was I knew she had been
part of the team since our youth. She had an engagement at work that she could
not break hence her absence at the memorial. She was Mr.and Mrs Mpanza’s
favourite and she would spent a lot of time with them in the house at a time
when one never introduced your girl to you folks out of respect. They made her
feel welcome and her Afrikaans heritage was no issue.Thami Lefakane and Dwight
kept remembering small things that Arlene and I used to do in the then Apartheid
South Africa and we were not aware we were breaking moulds and pioneering
anything since ours was just love at its best.
Frank Sinatra’s ‘My Way’ was the theme song for the memorial and I quickly gathered that
it was Horace Mpanza’ s favourite song. It was in fact very fitting in that he
was a Hip elderly man.In Fact Dwight and I just realised that whenever we went
to visit Brian. Individually we would spent more time with Horace than with our
friend, Brain. He would always be fidgeting with with some electronic equipment
that did not wish to come right, so of the six hours you spend at the Mpanzas
five and a half would be with Horace.
It is only today that I realised that all of us as Brains
friends were just drinking the wisdom that was in his oldman.What a
A member of the family from the Free State spoke in Crisp
descriptive Zulu and gave us an inside into Horace Makhuza Mpanza that we never
knew. That Horace’s father had come from a Mission school where he became a
teacher. Since he was born in 1931 ,his grandfather dated around 1800 when
missionary settlers first came into contact with us Natives of this Continent
and descendants of the original Homo Sapiens.
This he did not say, I just worked it out by logical
Arithmetic. Suddenly, a whole new Universe opened right in front of me and
everything began to make sense.
Why is South Africa such a great country?
Well, we are living in the Cradle of Humankind, we are
direct descendants of original man and if you believe in genetic memory we carry
the original gene that is why we had a Bloodless Revolution in 1994 to the envy
of all Mankind!
If on the other hand you believe in the bible as I do .The
Garden of Eden was somewhere around here.I then re-read Genesis 2:7 (And the
Lord God formed man of dust…….living soul).Now this is where things started
getting interesting since in Genesis 2:11(The name……where there is Gold).Now
maybe I did not sleep well the previous night but Gold is abundant in South
Africa……….Or is this just a coincidence.
Now if you read all that I have said backwards, all still
make sense Vis South Africa, Gold, Genesis, and Cradle of Humankind.
Now I always double check myself whenever I discover
something. I even double check if I was not drinking or someone was not smoking
Ganja nearby and I inhaled by mistake?
So this little theory of mine began to explain a lot to
me.In conversation with Menzi Kunene at the memorial we touched on why is it
that South Africans excel on every world body that they are part off. Sam
Ramsammy at the Olympics .Danny Jordan at FIFA.Abbey Chikane and I on the
Kimberley Process a South African iniciative.In fact we agreed that the was
nothing stopping us from hosting all other tournaments after the FIFA World Cup
but stupid Jacob Zuma.His actions of costing our country and our movement the
moral high ground which it enjoyed since Nelson Mandela. (My words not Menzis’
in case someone wants to attack, I take the responsibility).
Now let be put everything in context so that everything is
At the morning of the memorial, our finance minister Pravin
Gordhan had just refused to meet with the Hawks Special Investigating Unit on
some trumped up charge. This charge was brought about by some General Ntsebeza
I think, who a court of law found twice to be untruthful. So the country was on
a knife edge fearing a repeat of December 9/12 of year 2015.This is when our famous President fired a competent
finance minister Nene and whipped of over $1bn of value from our national
assets and send the rand/dollar exchange to R20.00/$1.
So it was a tense day for all practical perposses.I had just
seen a You-tube of Sipho Pityana ‘Zemkile inkomo magwala idini’ as he pays
tribute to the late Rev.Stofile.This cry was first heard when the settlers
arrived in 1652 and the years that followed. But today it was directed at the
floundering African National Congress who were silent as a grave when they knew
that all was falling around them and the so-called leaders did nothing.
For the first time in a long time when I was watching Sipho
Pityana. I was filled with Hope once again that South Africa does have Men and
Women of Quality. To take the Beloved Country forward. And that the lessons of
Horace and our forefathers did not fall on deaf ears. That in South Africa
cometh the time, Cometh the MAN or WOMEN.
So I want to finally assure everybody, that in every century.
God gives the world, Two great statesmen and I concede that in the last century,
Nelson Mandela was both these statesmen.
In this century the
almighty is going to give us another two, but one of them is going to be a
women. But both are going to come from South Africa and one I am going to see
in my lifetime!
article is a tribute to H.M. Mpanza and all the brotherhood and sisterhood I
grew up with Peter Temane,Brain,Skhumbuzo,Thami,Khulu,Dwight,Kutlwano,Moss,Zoli,Zanosi,Ponti,Pops,Zola,Lwazi,Morakane,Arlene,Zandi,Motshabi,Lami-ki
All the
gang members who stood to support each other in Good and Bad times. May our
children grow to learn the value of a TEAM.
Even though
we may not always be together, we will never be Apart}