Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Why The Poor Are Getting F*CKED

         Why the Poor are Getting Fucked

The main reason that the poor will get poorer and the rich richer is simple.

The poor through the ages have been sold a dud and they bought it. Allow us politicians to look after your interest. Let us go way back to the era of serfdom. This was an era where you had the monarchy and those who owned land or rather allocated land by the Monarchy in Europe. Those who owned land colluded with the monarchy to monopolise wealth and taxed the poor hence Communism. Today the politicians collude with those who have capital to ride on the backs of the Poor.

NOW, poverty of the mind is the worst form and it is perpetuated structurally.

In Africa, Jomo Kenyatta put it bluntly that when the Missionaries came to Africa, they had the bible and the Africans the land. They then proposed that we all close our eyes and Pray. When we all said ‘AMEN’. The Missionaries and the colonialists had the land and the Africans the bible.

For the next four centuries the African had to play ‘Catch Up’. As soon as he/she catches up. The rules of the game are changed. Sometimes not by force by or the naturel order of change. Dispossessed in the Agrarian age the African and all the Colonised had their energy sapped to retain the land. Before they even won that war, the industrial age was upon them and their focus was divided and they did not know what hit them. With monetisation and Stock markets allowing for new forms of money. The African had to dig deep, the wars of attrition and the world wars involved Africans in a mess not of their making but paid for it anyway.
By 1896 the war between Church and State that the Europeans had fought 10 centuries earlier was now being played on the African Continent with disposition and Urbanisation thrown into the mix.
The advent of the African Episcopal Missions led by Reverend Dwane of the Ethiopian order within the Anglican Church further divided the African mases with issues of polygamy practise not settled until today.
By the time the computer age came, the African was still spinning without direction and no Statehood with a few countries experimenting with Independence in a system of the Cold War witch was not of their making

This was not what pulverised the poor but what was to follow.

The birth of Career Politicians.

By 1994 most Black Business persons had more money than any returning and existing politician. By 2014 those with political connections were now Millionaires and Billionaires.


Well, you see what politicians proposed to Africans was that. Look, let us get rid of the Monarchy by allocating a budget for the Monarchy and the Chiefs so that they do not interfere with the looting .Then let us create a parliament where we will first look after ourselves the judiciary and all organs of state where we will deploy and employ our friends and cronies. This we are doing in the name of you the Poor who we will always refer to as ‘the People’.

We will allocate R3.5bn to the Small Business Ministry where almost R1bn will go to our cronies in administration. Now please tell me that the heads of that ministry have ever run a ‘Spaza Shop’. Now if you have ever run a small business at all .You will know that the responsibility to pay workers at the end of the month is enormous. Anybody who has ever run a small business which is the real job provider can attest to the difficulty of running a business.
Productivity which should be at the heart of any wealth creation process is compromised or even destroyed.
Please tell me that all our parliamentarians are the most productive people in South Africa. And that any of them can walk into any private company and do well?
 My view is that we have a bloated national provincial and inefficient local government-Period!

‘Politicians and Diapers must be Changed Often, and for the same Reason.’-----Mark Twain.

Trickle-down economics has never worked anywhere in the world and in South Africa we are at a disadvantage. A lack of coordination between Institutions of higher learning and the private sector is almost non- existent .In other words the universities are not producing what industry needs but what the government thinks industry needs, no communication.
Now, going forward and to eradicate unemployment to under 5% will not happen under these conditions.
A small glimmer of hope does exist in the exponential nature of technology and if used wisely we may catch up. Put what is also true is that those who are ahead of us are growing exponentially too.

Now South Africa does not have a monopoly of bad governance, it is just that we all expected better and had high hopes for a Democratic State. If the current state of affairs is what they went to jail for all those years, then I have problems with their silence. Or maybe they were just bought off by being made parliamentarians then retired with living support? I am not questioning their sacrifice but their silence. Mondli Gungubele the mayor of Ekurhuleni put it to me and said ‘Mac, Democracy is not a perfect system, but the alternative is too ghastly to contemplate’. While I agreed with him on the sentiment, I still believe that we can do better. And reverse most of what I talked about on this section.
The poor on the other hand will remain helpless and poorer in this decade .I hope that the regular public protests will turn the hearing aid of those in power.

But …I am not holding my breath!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

My 325 IS E-SERIES 1989

My 325 IS E-series 1989
My car was nearly stolen today 12 August 2015 at the Crowthorn Shopping Centre in Midrand.
For the past 27 years my car has survived all the thuggery that the South African thugs can master.
So for as long as Nelson Mandela was in jail my car was safe until, Now 2015.I had always vowed that if anybody stole my IS I wold find it the same day. This car has always been in demand for almost three decades and survived, Until now.
I just realised that I am not a thug that I used to be, I am now a respectable member of society who wears a tie and dresses in a suit and a white shirt. Simply put I am now a Punk, a Mogoe, a Kalajane, a Mampara.Someone whose candy can be taken from him .A Moemish!..........I HATE GETTING OLD .I hate being a target. For all my life even as a six year old, you could not take anything of mine by force or tricks anybody who tried nearly landed up in the local cemetery. I am mad, not that my car nearly left me unceremoniously after so many years. I am mad because I felt helpless and that I now know nobody in the under-world. I am now a sitting Duck.
I now have no pulse of what is happening is South Africa. I do not know the head of the car squad nor the head lieutenant off the Police. I have lost my power and I feel helpless. I feel helpless in the New South Africa, Somehow I felt stronger under Apartheid .I was never a spy or a supporter of the system but I knew how to work the system.
Once I found myself at the house of the BADDEST COP at the Brixton Murder and robbery squad who lived in Rockville Soweto. This is a cop who could shoot a man dead in broad day light back in the day and not even have an inquest on that incident or just play it as a robbery gone badly.
In terms of underground criminals, Man I knew everybody who was anybody. From the bank robbers to the clothing ‘suppliers’. I knew everybody or at least I knew someone who knew someone who can get me what I wanted.
I hate being Corporate.
You see, ever since I made the decision to get all University Educated and go Corporate .I have been living on other peoples rules, The fUcken Banks, the Government and the Criminals. Let me be quite clear.
Put together, all of these people are legal Gangsters. Think about it, The banks and the Insurance companies Steal legally from the public .Monies that do not get claimed by people who have no next of kin,Taking money from one account that you have, to pay themselves on another. My money that was in the dollar account was taken with no court action and when you are weakened you cannot fight and you are a sitting dead meat .Repossessing peoples cars selling them to their friends and screwing you for the balance owing. If this is not criminal I do not know what is.
Government, and the Politicians the less said about them the better. In 1992 I knew that I was richer and had more ties that all the ANC politicians put together. I cannot say that Today. Many who could not rub two cents together then and getting R15million rand handshakes and do tender irregularities of major propotions.In one case I heard of a R700 million split between three guys.
It is now an open secret that most of those in parliament have defrauded the travel fund. They all got off because you cannot put law makers in jail and some of the pleaded ignorence.But this is bull shit.We are just run by thieves finish and klaar. But having said that the poor get the government they deserve so in my book the poor have been sold a dud by the politicians. No wonder the office of the Public Protector is so buzy.God help us when Thuli Madonsela goes. It is going to be open season on all of us by the Politicians.
Now, Poor People, allow us to take power from the Monarchy. We will place them on a small payroll with ourselves where we will pay ourselves much more from your taxes. We will hobnob with business and get our children into private schools and private hospitals when we are sick. You can go to public schools and hospitals when you are sick where you might get some education and maybe come out of the hospitals alive. In the name of George Washington, Lenin or Tambo.’
The Poor are Suckers and now knowing all this I have become one!
I feel so helpless, Darn maybe I should become a War Lord like Charles Taylor. I have run more than 300 people before and I can do it again. No wonder Pablo Esca Bal and Noriega did it their way. Yes they all got imprisoned and maybe shot but hey I might as well die on the high. At least I die with call honour.
I am Mad, and I MUST change the formula.
If I do not, I will be eaten for toast by people who are less talented that me.
I first felt the IS power one evening on my way to Sharpeville with my friend Tom Molefe in 1987.We were driving in my 160i Honda Ballade on the highway past the Everton. The IS went past us so fast I swear you would think that we were looking for Parking…….I tried to follow and all I could see was its tail light disappearing into Vanderbijlpark.This car was moving and Tom and I looked at each other as if we had seen a ghost. I remember Tom saying ‘Morwa we have to get ourselves one of these.’ From that day I vowed that I will buy this car one day and two years later I bought one. I remember how the kids loved it and stopped it at the scholar patrol section in Kliptown just to give me a wave on their way to school. I too did the same when I first saw the late Mr.Msibi in his cabriolet in Mofolo-South as a 10 year-old. It was inspirational.
I must never lose my BMW 325 IS, some call is a Shadow-line, others call it ‘e Gusheshe’ others call it ‘Gush-La-Gesh’ and those who really know is say(E’ Themba La Magomosha){loosely translated as A Hope for the Independent in Though, the Brave, the ones who do their own thing} .
And if truth be told it was Thendae Sithole who once said that ‘Mac Donald you are e’Gomosha’.And he has not seen one better. I made sure not to let my possessions poses me.For this reason I have let many of possessions go.Buildings,land,cars,busineses.I must change this attitude and get mean again
I must stay true to this credo, If I do not, what good am I.
(Dad These Children Cannot Prey)

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Looking for Love

Looking for Love
In the last two weeks, I have been coming across women looking for Love.
For a moment I wondered why the last two weeks in particular. Or am I just become aware of it or am I just hanging out in all the wrong places?......No, I think it is a combination of all the above. Come to think of it.Women are looking for love all the time and men on the other hand just looking for Sex.But since my focus in this booklet is about women I will stick to my subject of women because you are more important species in general than the proverbial sperm doners.Make no mistake I am not putting down the men by any means since they are the hunted here if truth be told. I am simply paying extra attention to women. Young women in particular and older women too. I will address you both separately the two groups of women that is.
Young women go out all dressed up to parties sometimes too overdressed. Now, get this one straight the is nothing off putting to a man than an Overdressed heavily made up women. Too much make up make you look like a Circus Clown in high heels. Think about it, huge powder with red lips. Do not get me wrong, some eye make up to show off your beautiful eyes and light make up is ok.Please do not over do it.You do not want the guys to see a different woman the morning after because after he has bonded with you he wants to see who he really bonded with in the morning and if the gap is too big he gets second thought on the spot. Did you guys ever wonder why he does not call the following day? The poor guy woke up next to a different person than the one he went to bed with. So stop the heavy make-up.
I know that most of you will be so bust up when he does not call and you think it is because you gave him some on the first or second date. It has nothing to do with how many dates you go out on .It has everything to do with the fact that he now realises that you are not the same person he fell for. So be you, from the outset .Otherwise you will suffer the worst case of a hit and run than any taxi I know.
On the other hand, when I suggest that you should be you. I am not suggesting that all your bad manners should show on the first night. We all know that you can be a bitch but darm do not show it all on the first night. Remember a relationship is work in progress for many years. If you do not like his mustarch on day one do not start attacking the guy on day one. You are not perfect yourself, nobody is perfect. The will be enough time to have him shave it.
There is this Bull Shit attitude particularly put forward by African American women that I am me and not going to be pushed around by anyman.These women go home alone. No matter how pretty and successful they are. Men are really simple they are just small boys who keep looking for different and bigger toys. So understand that and keep varying the tows then you are ok.Some of them do not like too many toys and they will let you know as you take it a step at a time.
I meet far too many women who say that men are intimidated by their success. That cannot be further from the truth. Most men I know would like to bonk a self-assured well doing of financially well doing woman who does not ask you for anything. The problem arises when you forget to engage with your femininity as opposed to your qualification or purse.
I once dated a woman sexy as hell, who was just hung up on her degrees and her MBA.I just wanted to love and bonk her. I did not give a rat’s ass about her degrees. I liked her not her degrees. And every conversation had a timeline of pre or post MBA.Darm I grew tired of it.Then she stated criticizing my 25 year old 325 is/ then I knew that she just came out of a farm to a University and knows nothing else .She preferred the latest car I bought which had nothing on my Classic. I know that sometimes it is just preference and the is nothing wrong with that but do not dice my car. I may not like all the dresses you ware but I will not dice them. That you have a degree means nothing to a love life. It is how you carry yourself as a person and the personality you have developed. So ladies let us park the degrees please. Let me put it this way a degree is a bonus.
I am now reminded of a conversation with one lady who wanted me to give her a silver bullet on Men in one sentence and she was quite adamant about it.So when I said the is none but a combination of tricks she started arguing and pressed me for the Silver Bullet. I then realised that she does not listen and was just desperate for the Silver Bullet. Yes you there are some cardinal roles and I will give them to you Now:
                      1) Read ‘Stand by your Man’ in this booklet.
                      2) Keep improving your sex exercises plus physic even when you are a big girl.
                       3) Learn Romance and Nurturing.
                       4) Cook, you do not want a dude to show you flames in the Kitchen.
                       5) Respect not Docility
                       6) Laugh and have fun
                       7) Smile (this is the best gift to yourself)
I am not placing these as rules, but guide lines to the happiness window.
One of the biggest mistakes that young sisters make is to pretend to be Pre-Madonna’s as if they have 100 men who wish to love and care for them. They simply do not get it and do not know how to differentiate lust from love……One of their worsed behaviours is to go out to a party to meet people not necessarily Mr.Right,people.Then they spend time on their Phones texting friends. If you wish to be with those friends, why don’t you go spend the night at their house?
First you introduce yourself to all at the party genuinely so.Then case out the joint for the one you wish to catch. Work out what needs to be done, help out at the kitchen move around learn the lay of the land. Do not just sit on your phone. I know most of you have not learned to deal with ‘Mr Lastag’ and you do not want to open yourself to him. You have to learn how to deal with this type of person and in fact you this may be your entry to get the guy you fancy help you with ‘Mr.Lastag’, If you do not open yourself or rather. If you do not open your hands to receive how you do catch anything?
You see, when you go fishing with a net, you bring in the Fish, Crabs and Frogs. But it is only when you have them that you choose which one to throw away. Being at one place and pretending to be at another is so immature. I know the are times when you are as horny as hell and that is not a very good time to be looking
Looking for love on the net is popular these days but it has its pros and cons.There is no question that the net is effective and will continue to be a powerful instrument. But I am still old school and believe in what I see. Conferences, Libraries, Theatres, Soccer matches are all arenas where people congregate.
My final parting short for older women. You guys have had affairs marriage etc. and have seen it all .Do not despair you  are as old as how well you eat and how hard you train so that  join a gym, running club and stay in shape. You will meet active people that you desire. If you are not prepared to put in the work then do not complain if nothing comes your way!
‘Tear Drop’

By Mac Donald Temane

Wednesday, 5 August 2015



‘The horse has bolted, do not shut the barn, recreate it in space to catch the elusive horse.’
I write this note on the eve of the second day of the Mining Imbizo by the Minister of Mining Resources Adv. Ngwako Ramathlodi .This is not an Indaba but Imbizo, an emergency call in African Culture to solve a specific urgent matter. This Imbizo is a great opportunity for oneness and a common purpose for South Africans to reshape the industry. To be blunt, redefine the Industry.
As a Diamontuer, Miner and Jewellery designer of more than 25 years’ experience. I feel well qualified to talk on this subject since I have lived the highs and the depths of this industry hands on. I have personal scares to show for it and lived both the upstream and downstream sections of this industry in Diamond, Gold, Platinum Iron Ore and Steel. I thought I must just get that out of the way right up front.
The biggest challenge of all the parties in this industry is that each sector sees itself more special than the other and deserving more percentage of the industry cake than the other. The biggest challenge here is their Egos. They all fail to see each other as sections of the same hand. And that the is no one without the other. Mine Management, Labour, Government and talking Heads.
All of them are hung up on ‘Commodity Prices’ and this is ‘Bull’ it assumes that the industry can only be structured one way.
I was talking to Thabiso Buku, one of the brightest minds we have, on our favourite chat line when suddenly a got a brain wave to write this article and give guidance. He pointed out that most of these challenges are quadratic and that they need different formulas and that left unattended tragic consequences could a Marikana.
Let met deal with these Egos that I alluded to earlier Step by Step.
These professional managers can only think in a liner fashion and as a result they are fixated on ‘Commodity Price’ as the Holy Grail. They drive labour to produce as much raw materials as they can.Even if they die doing it.They then give themselves huge bonuses in good times or when the prices are high. They then resort to labour shedding when prices are low. No inventiveness is accommodated. At R1, 5m per month for some of them I do not think that this is deserved since there is no magic that they bring.
To their credit they have to deal with cranky shareholders when you consider the nature of mining investors.
It is now an open secret that the Labour Federation in South Africa is no more. To put it bluntly there is a famine of leadership. The two major unions Amcu & Num are at each other’s troughts.It is war, and as a result when ‘Elephants Fight the grass suffers’.
The focus for both in particular Amcu is to demand more money even at the expense of workers. Their leader is quoted as saying that compromise from their demands. Is farfetched and the language is war. Egos are now entering the arena and we all know that when egos are introduced, logic walks out of the window.
Upskilling of members is seen as a management prerogative as opposed to a union responsibility to its members. I have had personal experience where unions refused stupidly so that I make workers shareholders so that they can receive Salary,Overtime,bonus and dividents.Since they think that this will erode their power. These are the same people who get paid even when workers are on strike. These are the same people who claim to have the wellbeing of their members at heart. With friends like this who needs enemies.
The minister rightly edged that all parties ‘Lift the bar’. This should be the spirit of these negotiations.
The government should also ‘Lift the bar’ as well and stop being a toothless regulater.Have foresight and implement beneficiation even in good times. To me this department should be renamed ‘Mineral Resources and Beneficiation’. The minister’s yard stick is to reach 50% beneficiation of all produced minerals in his or her Tanure.If they cannot do this. They have no business in that office.
There are many issues that that can be introduced as to solve this impasss.One cannot fit them in the scope of this article .Many years ago I proposed a GOLD FUND and it is mis-implimented by the Industrial Development Corporation an organ of government. The less said about this the better.
Finally, I pray that sanity prevails at the Imbizo and if they fail, there are enough brains in South Africa who are not political animals but can solve the problem!
(This article was written with frustration, and sadness when you see your countrymen losing the plot)
Mac Donald Temane